Opening Period, 9/27-10/7

It’s that time of year again, quarter four has arrived and LF is open to new deposits or withdrawals from accounts between 9/27-10/7.  The algorithm is still on track for 120% annualized returns, possibly more.


Last opening there was some bigger issues with third-party wire transfers coming en-masse from different names and banks. This flagged the Laissez Faire account and made it reject a lot of last minute wires, so to solve this problem we’re forced to go through one bank, or candidly embrace a solution that Bitcoin offers.


Method #1 Deposit / Withdrawal Via Bitcoin:

Instant transfer, very low fee, no bank halts, and no limits. Can simply be done by sending Bitcoin from your Bitcoin wallet to the address below. 


Method #2 Check or Wire Transfer:

If you’d rather not deal with Bitcoin, I can help you transfer money to the LF account via wiring through my bank. Mark, one of the founders of Laissez-Faire also could likely help you with wiring to the fund as his bank was the only one that successfully wire transferred (out of 5) last time.

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